Download our newest macOS Workgroup client here:
Step 1: Download and install the program.
- Download the macOS version and open the JungleDiskWorkgroup.dmg file.
- Drag the Jungle Disk Workgroup program into your Applications folder. Double click the Applications folder shortcut then open Jungle Disk Workgroup from there.
- Click Open when prompted.

Step 2: Complete the First Time Setup.
- Click Next.
- Sign in with your domain, username, and password.
- Select the Online Disk you want your backups to save to.
- Select Create a new computer backup if you're configuring backups for the first time, or Replace a computer backup if you want to take over an existing backup job.
- Configure your backup schedule and pick the folders you would like to be backed up.

Step 3: Install the necessary System Extensions.
- Upon seeing the System Extension prompt, click Open System Settings.
- Click Allow. Enter your Mac Admin Password if prompted.
- Upon making these changes, restart your computer.
- Apple Silicon(M1 and later) Macs may additionally need to follow the article for Fixing Systems Extensions/Necessary Extensions errors on MacOS instead of the instructions listed in this step before returning to continue at Step 4.

Step 4: Check to see your Online Disks.
After restarting, your Online Disks should now appear in your Workgroup program, as well as shortcuts on your Desktop.

Step 5: Grant access to Files and Folders.
Upon running a Computer Backup, your computer may ask for access to the folders you selected to be backed up. Grant access to these folders as the prompts appear.

NOTE: If your Online Disks do not yet appear, open Jungle Disk Workgroup and restart the background service.
On the top menu bar, click Help > Manage Background Program. On the Background Program Management screen, click Stop. After a few seconds, click Start.

After restarting the background service, you should receive the Security Extension prompts to allow Jungle Disk to run on your system.
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