This guide is intended for account Administrators.
Adding additional users is easy, and possible any time by simply navigating the Users page on your control panel.
Only users who have licenses associated with their username will be able to connect using the Jungle Disk software.
Creating a new user:
If you need to purchase additional licenses in order to create a new user, navigate to the signup page and log in using your existing account. From there, simply follow the prompts to place the order. Once the order is complete, go back to the users
tab in the Control Panel.
Now that you have purchased a new license, navigate to your Users page and click Create a New User
Below is an explanation of each setting, if you have any questions regarding these settings, let us know!
Enabling this setting will allow the user to change their password via the Jungle Disk software, instead of the account administrator via the control panel.
Selecting this option will create an Online Disk with permissions automatically set to read/write for the user you are creating only. These permissions can be changed later if needed.
Note: The creation of a Private Online Disk is not required. If you would like the user you're creating to have their own personal disk, you can leave the box checked. Otherwise, uncheck this box if you only intend on creating a user that needs to access existing Online Disks.
Allows you to choose between Amazon AWS or Google Cloud servers.
This will enable drive mapping within the users Operating System, allowing you to access the Network Drive via a drive letter such as
Note: This letter can be changed at any time using the software.
Allows the user to use Sync Folders, you can learn more about Sync Folders and their use cases in our support article
This enables the Automatic Backup feature, allowing the Jungle Disk software to run scheduled backups to this Online Disk.
This setting enables Public Sharing using the Windows 'Share' feature, which will upload a single file to the Network Drive you can easily share via a link.
This setting allows you to modify encryption settings for the online disk that is created for the user. if you select High Security (Encrpyted Files)
the files on the Online Disk will be encrypted using AES-256 encryption and require a password in order to access.
Note: Do not lose this password! We will be unable to change or remove an existing password without the original and your data will not be accessible.
Reassigning a License:
If you have a user that is having trouble logging in, confirm that a license is associated with their account by looking in the Assigned To
column on the Licenses
If you have any questions or issue with managing users feel free to contact support
at +1 (888) 573-8649 or via email at