This article will show you how to upgrade your Jungle Disk version on Mac or Linux operating systems.
The following will not affect your current backup settings or data.
- Mac
Updating your existing Jungle Disk installation - Mac Systems
1. Close the Jungle Disk program completely. You can force quit it by right-clicking on the icon in the Dock then hitting the "option" button on your keyboard. The "Force Quit" option will then appear.
2. Go to and download the Mac version of the Jungle Disk Workgroup or Jungle Disk Server Management software. If you need Jungle Disk Desktop or Jungle Disk Simply Backup, you will need to log into the Control Panel to download those packages.
3. Open the .dmg file that you downloaded to launch the installer. A window will come up asking you to agree with the terms of the license. Click "Agree".
4. Another window will come up where you drag the icon into the Applications folder. If you get a notification stating that Jungle Disk already exists, click "Replace" to replace the existing version of Jungle Disk.
5. After that, you can close that window and open the Jungle Disk program. Under the "Jungle Disk (Formerly Workgroup)" menu, click "About" to confirm that you are on the latest version. You may be prompted to enter your system password in order to update the "background programs" that the application uses. Please be sure to complete those prompts, otherwise, the application may not be fully functional.
- Linux
Updating your existing Jungle Disk installation - Linux Systems
The simplest way to update your installation of Jungle Disk is to remove the existing version and then install the new version. In this guide, I will offer basic instructions on how to remove and update your existing Jungle Disk installation on a RPM-based distro (I'll use Fedora 24), and a DEB-based distro (I'll use Ubuntu 16.04). For both of these different systems, I'll show steps on how to do this via terminal and through the GUI, as both ways will work, but the terminal method may be the only option for some customers if they are using Jungle Disk Server on a server that does not have a user interface and/or desktop environment
RPM-based systems
for this example, I am using Fedora 24 with GNOME as the desktop environment Via Terminal
- Check to see if Jungle Disk is already installed:
dnf list | grep jungle
(you may need to use yum or another package manager depending on your system configuration)
- If there is an existing Jungle Disk installation, run a command to remove the package:
sudo dnf remove junglediskserver
- Enter "Y" to approve the removal
- Next, be sure to stop the existing Jungle Disk process: the best way to do this is to first run
ps aux | grep jungle
and get the PID for the existing process. Then you can run sudo kill [PID]
(be sure to replace [PID] with the actual PID on your machine)
- Use wget or something similar to download the new installer package:
(see our downloads page for the links to other variations of Jungle Disk. If you're looking for Jungle Disk Desktop, you will need to log into your Jungle Disk control panel to access the install)
- Once downloaded, run the installation command:
sudo dnf install junglediskserver
- Enter "Y" to approve the install
- Since you had an existing install, there's no need to configure your settings file, so all you need to do is start the service!:
sudo /usr/local/bin/junglediskserver
- If you have any problems, try resetting your license key. This is outlined in steps 1 and 3 of this guide.
- Note: Jungle Disk Server Management, Jungle Disk (Formerly Workgroup), and Desktop do not need to run as root, so when starting these applications, you can omit sudo or use your desktop GUI to start the apps (you may need to log out and log in before you can do this)
- Open the software management application, in Fedora, this is just called "Software"
- Go to the "installed" tab and find Jungle Disk (Formerly Workgroup) or the name of the Jungle Disk application you want to uninstall
- Click "remove," approve the removal, and enter your system password (if needed)
- Download the right package from our downloads page for Jungle Disk (Formerly Workgroup) and Jungle Disk Server Management, for Jungle Disk Desktop, you will need to log into your Jungle Disk control panel to access the install
- Once the package has downloaded (likely to your downloads folder), open it up and you will be given the option to install. Click the install button and follow the prompts on screen
- If you have any problems, try resetting your license key. This is outlined in steps 1 and 3 of this guide.
- At this point, you should be all set! We would recommend logging out of your desktop and logging back in before beginning to use the new version
DEB-based systems
for this example, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity as the desktop environment Via Terminal
- Check to see if Jungle Disk is already installed:
dpkg -l | grep jungle
(you may need to use yum or another package manager depending on your system configuration)
- If there is an existing Jungle Disk installation, run a command to remove the package:
sudo dpkg -r junglediskserver
(this package name may be different if you are working with something other than junglediskserver)
- Next, be sure to stop the existing Jungle Disk process: the best way to do this is to first run
ps aux | grep jungle
and get the PID for the existing process. Then you can run sudo kill [PID]
(be sure to replace [PID] with the actual PID on your machine)
- Use wget or something similar to download the new installer package:
(see our downloads page for the links to Jungle Disk Server and Jungle Disk Workgroup. If you're looking for Jungle Disk Desktop, you will need to log into your Jungle Disk control panel to access the install)
- Once downloaded, run the installation command:
sudo dpkg -i junglediskserver_amd64.deb
- Since you had an existing install, there's no need to configure your settings file, so all you need to do is start the service!:
sudo /usr/local/bin/junglediskserver
- If you have any problems, try resetting your license key. This is outlined in steps 1 and 3 of this guide.
- Note: Jungle Disk Server Management, Jungle Disk (Formerly Workgroup), and Desktop do not need to run as root, so when starting these applications, you can omit sudo or use your desktop GUI to start the apps (you may need to log out and log in before you can do this)
- Open the software management application, in Ubuntu, this is just called "Ubuntu Software"
- Go to the "installed" tab and find Jungle Disk Workgroup or the name of the Jungle Disk application you want to uninstall
- Click "remove," approve the removal, and enter your system password (if needed)
- If the existing application is not visible in Ubuntu Software, you will need to do this via Terminal
- Open terminal (hit the command key and search for terminal)
- Run
sudo dpkg -r junglediskworkgroup
- Enter your system password and press enter
- You can now close the terminal and continue the steps below
- Download the right package from our downloads page for Jungle Disk Workgroup and Jungle Disk Server Management, for Jungle Disk Desktop, you will need to log into your Jungle Disk control panel to access the install
- Once the package has downloaded (likely to your downloads folder), open it up and you will be given the option to install. Click the install button and follow the prompts on screen
- If you have any problems, try resetting your license key. This is outlined in steps 1 and 3 of this guide.
- At this point, you should be all set! We would recommend logging out of your desktop and logging back in before beginning to use the new version
- If you have not installed Jungle Disk on an Ubuntu/Unity system before, there are a few additional steps that you will need to perform in order for Jungle Disk to function properly. These steps are necessary to utilize a "System Tray" that will appear in the top-right corner of your menu bar on your desktop.
- 12.04
- Open up Terminal and run the following command:
sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
- Open dconf Editor (app installed by the previous command) and go to desktop > unity > panel.
- Add ‘jungledisk’ (surrounded by single-quotes) within the systray-whitelist on the right.
- You can now close terminal and continue the steps below
- 14.04 & 16.04
- Open up Terminal and run the following command to add a PPA (Personal Package Archives) to your
repository list: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fixnix/indicator-systemtray-unity
- Next, run:
sudo apt-get update
- Now run
sudo apt-get install indicator-systemtray-unity
to install the package
- You can now close the terminal and continue the steps below
- If you have any problems, try resetting your license key. This is outlined in steps 1 and 3 of this guide.
- You should be all set now! Log out of the current session and login again. Start Jungle Disk and the system tray should now show up.