1. Reset License
First, reset the license for Server Edition through the "Licenses" section of the control panel:

This will generate a new license key. Make a note of the new key - we'll need it later!

2. Reinstall Server Edition
Download the server component for Jungle Disk Server Edition, available in the "Downloads" section of your control panel.
Note: The versions of the server component and the Management Client should match, so check that your Management Client is up-to-date as well.
Windows Servers: The Windows Server Edition software can be installed on any Windows PC running Windows Server 2008 SP2/2008 R2 SP1 and higher. On Windows desktop machines, you can install on Windows 7 SP1 and higher.
Linux Servers: Package files are available for installing to RedHat and Debian based distributions (e.g., Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.). Others can manually install the application using the tar file. Untar the appropriate binary for your platform and copy it to /usr/local/bin (or whichever path you prefer to run it from).
3. Set the License Key
After installing, configure the License Key for the server.
Setting the License Key (Windows)
Check the Start Menu for an item called “Set License Key for Jungle Disk Server Edition”.

In the "License Key Configuration" screen, paste in the license key (generated in step 1). If you don't have the key, use the link provided to retrieve it from your control panel.
Most users won't need to use the "Proxy Server Configuration" section; if you're unsure whether your server uses a proxy, leave these fields empty.

Once you’ve set the license key, the Server Edition service should configure itself and be ready to manage from the Management Client.

Setting the License Key (Linux)
Copy the junglediskserver-license-EXAMPLE.xml file (Download Here) to /etc/jungledisk/junglediskserver-license.xml

Edit this file to include your license key in the "licenseKey" tag.
After setting your license key, you can start the process by typing "sudo /usr/local/bin/junglediskserver". You won't need to do this if you installed the RedHat or Debian package (the installation process adds junglediskserver to the list of applications that start on boot, and starts the service after installation).
If installed from the tar file, and you'd like to set up Jungle Disk Server to start automatically on bootup, there are example scripts for this purpose in the init_d_examples subdirectory. Follow the readme file there for instructions on setting these up.
4. Connect to the Server from the Management Client
After downloading the management client software for your platform, run the installer to install the software.
When starting the management client (on Linux, "junglediskservermanagement"), log in with your Jungle Disk credentials.

The client will search for your server(s); it may take a moment. After your server is listed, click it, and then click Connect.

If you do not see your server in the list, check for potential startup issues on the server by following the directions below.
Windows Server: Try manually restarting the service: on the server, click the Start Menu and select "Run...". Enter "services.msc" in the dialog and press OK. Locate "JungleDiskServerService" in the list of services, right-click it, and select Restart. If you don’t see the server available in the Management Client, check the Windows Event Log for error information.
Linux Server: If your server does not appear in the Management Client there may have be an error on startup. Check /var/log/messages and /var/log/junglediskserver.log for more information. Note that junglediskserver can be run with a "-d" option, which will put additional debugging information into the /var/log/junglediskserver.log file. Make sure that you don't inadvertently run more than one instance of junglediskserver (ps aux | grep junglediskserver will check for this).
5. Configuration and Restoring Files
When you connect to the new server, you'll see a "First Time Setup" prompt. Click Next.

You will be asked to enter your keys to for a personal Amazon S3 account at this point. A link is provided to retrieve your keys from the Amazon site. Enter your keys and click Next. If you don't use a personal Amazon S3 account, click Next without entering anything, and then click OK.

You'll be asked whether you want to reconnect to an existing disk or create a new one. To restore your previously backed-up files, select Use an existing online disk, select the disk's name from the drop-down menu, and then click Next.

If the setup wizard detects backed up files on this disk, you'll be asked if you want to reconnect to that backup, or start a new one. Select Restore a computer backup, and click Next, then Finish.

Next, you should be shown the "Restore Files" screen.

The Restore Files screen:
I. Choose the Restore From date (either the most recent backup, or the backup as of a previous date)
II. Choose the Restore To location on your new server. Enter the path manually, or click "Browse..." to choose a folder.
III. Locate the folders and/or files that will be restored, and click "Add Folder to Restore" or "Add File to Restore".
Note the order of these steps - the "Restore From" and "Restore To" items must be chosen first, before adding files to the restore. Otherwise, the files will not be restored correctly.
IV. Click Start Restore. The activity monitor will show the progress for the files being restored.

When this has completed, your files have been restored!