Here's a quick visual walkthrough showing how to set up a new Backup Vault
Note: the images in these screenshots show Jungle Disk (Formerly Workgroup), but the steps involved apply to all versions of Jungle Disk
Step 1: Click Configure

Step 2: Select "What to Backup", then click "Add or Change Backup Folders"
Note: If you don't see this section right away, it's possible that you don't currently have a backup configured. That's okay, just select "Setup Automatic Backup", select that, give your job a name, then select "What to Backup"

Step 3: Choose which folders to back up from your computer
Note: For more information on the available modes/configurations for backup, check out Understanding Modes in 'What to Backup'

Step 4: Verify your backup configuration

Step 5: Configuring Backup Options
Keep in mind that the images in these screenshots show Jungle Disk ( Formerly Workgroup), but the steps involved apply to all versions of Jungle Disk v.3.32 and later(not all options are available on Desktop/Simply Backup).
Here, there are a few options for your backup job.
"Number of simultaneous uploads" will change the number of threads used by your computer during a backup.
"Backup Retention" lets you determine how long deleted files and previous versions of files are kept before being permanently expired. The default is 60 days.
"Backup Reporting" allows backup reports to be viewable in the Control Panel, on the Backup Reporting page. We recommend setting this to "Report Backup Summaries and Detailed Logs" if you want a file-by-file report of your backup job.
"Backup Scripts" allows you to run pre and post scripts.

Step 6: Click Start Backup now if it's a good time to start
Note: This could take a while!
Alternatively, you could wait for the schedule to start the backup automatically. The default schedule is set to daily some time around midnight (+/- 3 hrs usually). This can be edited from the "Schedule" section in the Configuration window.