After configuring Jungle Disk on a Linux machine using GNOME, you may get this message when trying to pull Jungle Disk back up:
Jungle Disk Desktop is running in standalone mode and has detected that the service is already running, or the service network port is in use. Please stop the service, or run JungleDisk in non-standalone mode.
First, confirm you GNOME version by running gnome-shell version
For GNOME versions less than 3.34, first install this extension:
Then, toggle it on:

If you don't see the option to toggle it on, but instead see a banner about installing the browser extension, install that via the link, then refresh and toggle the option on per the above image.
Then run the commands here under "Or compile it yourself":
Before running git clone
you may need to run sudo apt install git
or whichever package manager command is required for your distribution.
You shouldn't need to enable system-wide per the guide, but you can. You will need to logout then back in even if you don't enable it system-wide. If you open Jungle Disk, you should see an icon like in the image below. Please note, it may take a while to appear.

For GNOME versions 3.34 and greater, try installing this extension:
If you don't see the option to toggle on the extension, but instead see a banner about installing the browser extension, install that via the link, then refresh and toggle the option on.