This can be helpful especially if:
- Your drives are not connecting when you start your computer/login
- You're unable to use your Network Drive like you're used to
You will access the services list by using the Run command. To begin, press Windows Key + r
and type services.msc

Next, right-click the JungleDiskWorkgroupService
service and select Restart (Start if it's not currently running).
VIA Command prompt(In Administrator mode)
- net start/stop "service name"
- ex. net start JungleDiskWorkgroupService
The example provided was restarting the service for the Jungle Disk (Formerly Workgroup) Edition. Here are the service names if you are using another version of Jungle Disk.
- Simply Backup:
- Desktop Edition:
- Server Edition:
You will access the service through the Activity Monitor by selecting Help > Manage Background Programs.

Next, enter your system username and password (Not your Jungle Disk username and password).

Select Stop, wait 1 minute, then select Start. (Select Start if the service is currently not running)

Open Terminal and then run one of following commands (the appropriate command will vary based on distribution and version):
- Jungle Disk Server Edition:
sudo service junglediskserver restart
sudo /etc/init.d/junglediskserver restart
- If neither of these work, run
ps aux | grep jungle
and then run sudo kill <PID>
using the PID for the junglediskserver process.
- Then you can start the junglediskserver process using
sudo /usr/local/bin/junglediskserver
- Jungle Disk Desktop
- Run
ps aux | grep jungle
and then run sudo kill <PID>
using the PID for the jungledisk process
- You can then re-open the app through your GUI
- Jungle Disk (Formerly Workgroup)
- Run
ps aux | grep jungle
and then run sudo kill <PID>
using the PID for the jungledisk process
- You can then re-open the app through your GUI
If you find yourself having to restart the service often on Windows:
- Do you have antivirus software installed? If so, check out this list of Exceptions to add to your Antivirus program here.
- In Windows, you can set the service to automatically restart upon failure by right-clicking the service, clicking Properties, clicking the Recovery tab, and setting all three "failure instances" to Restart the Service.