Indexing is the process of looking at files, email messages, and other content on your PC and cataloging their information, such as the words and metadata in them. When you search your PC after indexing, it looks at an index of terms to find results faster.
When you first run indexing, it can take up to a couple hours to complete. After that, indexing will run in the background on your PC as you use it, only re-indexing updated data.
In order for Windows Indexing to be able to locate the Network Drive, you will need to ensure a few conditions are met.
- Open up the Jungle Disk Activity Monitor Configuration and set Network Drive type to 'Removable Media'
- This is needed to allow 'Advanced Sharing' settings to be modified.
- Right click on the Network Drive that needs to be searched and select 'Properties' > Sharing > Check "Share this folder" then select 'Permissions' and check 'Allow' next to 'Full Control'
Now that we have met the conditions to allow Windows to recognize the Network Drive all that's left is to add it to the Windows Indexing locations.
Start by searching for 'index' in the Windows Start Menu and selecting 'Choose which files and folders are indexed'
Then select 'Customize search locations here'
Click 'Modify'
Check the Network Drive(s) you wish to Index and hit 'OK'
Now the Network Drive you selected should show under 'Included Locations'
The user should now be able to search the Network Drive using the build in Windows Search function!