Ahsay Customer Quota Check
The following document will provide users a guide on how to check their quota.
1. Direct Customer
1.1 Ahsay Agent Method
- Open Ahsay agent OBM and login
- Click on Report
- Click on usage Tab
- Select date ranges and click go
- You have completed all steps to obtain data usage.
1.2 Portal Method:
- Open web browser and go to customer backup server URL
*This can be obtained from via agent software*
- Once logged in click User tile
- Click on statistics tab
- On usage tab select which set or all and select date range
- Click go
- You will be provided with graph of usage summary
2. Partners
a. Login to Myclient
b. Click on customers
c. Click on View customers

d. All of your customers will be listed with Usage summary
e. If more detail is need click on user to go to customer detail page and obtain more detail