If you delete an appliance from LiveVault, you cannot back up to or restore data from the appliance.
Before you delete an appliance, you must complete the following:
Edit any backup policies that back up exclusively to the appliance so that they back up to offsite data storage vaults instead.
Disconnect the appliance from the network.
Important: Exercise caution when deleting an appliance because you cannot restore any data from it.
Before you delete an appliance, ensure that you replicate the data to the offsite data storage vaults.
To delete an appliance
In the navigation pane, select the appliance you want to delete.
The Summary tab for the appliance opens.
Click Delete.
If the appliance is still connected to the service, the Delete button will not be available.
Click Delete to confirm the deletion of the appliance.
The appliance is deleted from the LiveVault service.